Romeo and Juliet- Post Reading Tasks

Now that we have finished reading the play, Romeo and Juliet, we will be delving into some of the ideas that are developed by Shakespeare in the text.


Romeo is one of two main protagonists in the play. At times, he directly acknowledges a power greater than himself that is directing his life. During other moments in the play, Romeo demonstrates an inability to control his emotions and this means that he acts rashly. We can argue that because he is an impulsivecharacter, Shakespeare is showing us that another power, like the Gods who the Elizabethans believed controlled their destiny, is prompting him to act in certain ways and make specific choices.

The students will complete the following tasks on their independent blogs:

  • Define, in your own words, the terms written in bold in the blurb above.
  • Locate three quotations from the text that show us that Romeo is acknowledging that another power is in control of his life. Write these onto your blog and explain how they show the reader that Romeo believes in his predetermined fate.
  • Describe two moments in the play when Romeo acts impulsively. Explain the direct consequences for these impulsive actions. Write down a quotation from each moment that shows the reader Romeo is an impulsive character.


Elizabethan women had little or no control at all over their destinies. Juliet is a perfect example of this.


Explain three moments in the text where Juliet has little control over her own fate. Use quotes to support your explainations of your chosen moments.

Sometimes, Juliet acknowledges the outcome of the play without actually knowing it. Write down three quotations from moments in the play when she does this and explain how your selected quotation indicates her fate.

Posted by Renee Plunkett

Teacher of English at Mount Aspiring College, Wanaka, New Zealand.

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